If France is such a lazy socialist country, please explain me why the richest man on earth is French, and the richest woman is also French

Ask that to your conservative American friends haha

2 min readApr 7, 2023
Bernard Arnault and Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Americans (at least the capitalist ones), love to make fun of Socialist countries. They pretend we are lazy, not productive, not innovative. While we have big protests right now in my country (France) against the change of the retirement age from 62 to 64, I heard a lot of Americans make fun of us for not wanting to work.

American capitalists have great difficulty to understand how a country could strive without converting all its citizens into crazy workaholics. How could you succeed, if you ever go on holidays, take a maternity leave, take one and a half hour for lunch break, and leave the office at 6pm? How could you succeed with a 35 hours week of work? How could you succeed as a country if you have social welfare, free education and free healthcare? It’s impossible they say! Not reasonable!

And yet…

The richest man in the world is not Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos anymore. It’s Bernard Arnault, the French CEO of LVMH. And the richest woman on earth? Another French citizen! She is Françoise Bettancourt Meyers, owner of L’Oréal.

What is this craziness? This is madness! No, this is France ;)

Did you notice that the second richest country on earth, just behind the USA, is China? A communist country! Madness!

Did you know that there are more billionaires per capita in Sweden and in Norway than in the USA? (By a large margin). Sweden and Norway are very (very) socialist countries.

This article is nothing more than a question that I send to the world, just to shake some ideas haha. The question is this:

Are you sure you need to impoverish your population, put them into huge debts, make them work like rats in a laboratory, to make a profit?

I’ll let you explain me what I got wrong in the comments haha.

Have a good day :)




French guy, 31 years old. Illustrator, chess player. Sorry for my poor english.